Friday, May 11, 2007

some stuff messing with my head

There are a lot of things in my head lately. Most of them just there because of the stuff I've been reading, the others things that I brought down on myself. Sometimes I just stop and wonder why people are they way they are and why don't they ever change? Also stuff like how come I'm like this and why the hell aren't I changing?

Well all I can say is that things never change, well at least some things... there are things that we think are gone but are really just there sleeping, waiting for the right time or in fact it may well be the wrong time for it to come out. Also there are somethings we have no control over... things that just can't be directed to the right path. I know this is all crazy, probably some left over ideas I have after reading Civil War (one hell of a great comic book series, kudos to Marvel for that one).

Well I guess these are just random abstract thoughts running amok in my head right now, running and making a mess of things, filling my mind with useless thoughts filling it up, nearly to the brim and maybe even almost overflowing... this probably doesn't make any sense at all, oh well look at the time, its almost 2 o'clock in the morning and here I am writing crappy ideas popping out of my head just because I read that comic book.

Anyway I'm sorry for anyone who bears with me and reads this crap, I guess I have succeeded in wasting hmm about 5 minutes of your time I guess. Thanks to anyone who drops by anyway.


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