Saturday, May 27, 2006

patience too has its limits.. take it any further and its cowardice...

wow... this statement hit me... i guess i am a coward... patience... I've always thought that having an unlimited amount of patience was something that was ideal and that no one had it because it was almost impossible to attain... but i guess when an impatient person like me becomes this patient I was simply fooling myself into thinking that.. and that I was simply running away.. afraid of the outcome of my actions.. afraid of everything...

The heart may freeze or it can burn
The pain will ease if I can learn
There is no future
There is no past
I live this moment
As my last
There's only us
There's only this
Forget regret
Or life is yours to miss
No other road
No other way
No day but today
another one that hit me... but i guess life isn't gonna get easier... nor is it getting less complicated... to learn from past faults... its my only way out... I do have to keep one thing clear in my mind... I have no regrets... I don't regret having what little time I spent with her... ofcourse I guess if only I knew.. then I would have done things differently.. but every moment is treasured and life must go on... and although sadness has taken root... and love has yet again strayed me into another lonely road... I must walk on... just live on... until I can get back.. and live it out again...
When someone smiles... there are usually 2 types... one is that its a genuine smile that just embraces you with its warmth... the other is a cold and painfull smile... one that just leaves you cold... but theres always the third one... where it may seem genuine... but its just a way to hide it all...
its funny... how a smile affects those seeing it... how it can be misleading and cold yet to others hopeful and warm....
its funny... how when everything settles.. you can't help but smile and laugh... when inside you cry and suffer....
its funny... how blissful madness seems to be... how it seems to be the best way out but in truth its just getting into it more...
its funny.... how I laugh when I am really crying inside...
patience too has its limits.. take it any further and its cowardice...


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